Results For Category: "Flying Trapeze"

The Logbook “Cheat Sheet”

Sometimes, it is nice to have a sneak-peak at what is ahead. Knowing the goals of the TSNY Curriculum allow you to…

Conditioning Matters

Do you remember those first few classes when we told you “flying trapeze isn’t about strength, it’s all about timing?” Well, that…

The Seven

Let’s talk about the swing.  Specifically, let’s talk about the seven.  Perhaps one of the more difficult and most often misunderstood parts…

Taking ownership of your flying

As you make your way through our curriculum, you have the opportunity to learn a variety of skills and tricks. Early on…

Understanding the Log Book and the TSNY Student Curriculum

Like any other school, TSNY has a curriculum. Every student progresses through the curriculum in a different way—according to their abilities and…

The Forceout

When students first start learning to swing, we often tell them that they are beginning a journey that will last for the…

Going back to basics: staying ‘tight’

We’ve all heard it and most instructors have probably said it: Stay tight! But what does it mean and why is it…