Results For Category: "Flying Trapeze"

The method behind the madness, part 4

You’ve come a long way since the thrill of the first knee-hang catch. By the time you complete your Level 2 Sign-off…

The method behind the madness, part 3

Perhaps this is obvious (or perhaps not), but it’s worth noting that the primary focus of Level 2 is preparing you for…

The method behind the madness, part 2

It may surprise you to learn that your journey from Level 1 to Level 2 can begin as early as your second…

The method behind the madness, part 1

Though it may seem like a random journey from trick to trick sometimes, there is, in fact, method to the madness. At…

Flying Trapeze Basics: catch point and landings

Let’s talk about some flying trapeze ‘basics’. Whether you’re new to flying trapeze or you’ve been around for a while, I’m sure…

Finding your takeoff

Flying trapeze works a bit like a line of dominoes. In order to make them fall in the pleasing pattern you want,…

Building Height in Your Swing, Part 3: The Seven

A part of the swing that has the potential to contribute to the height of your swing (or take away from it,…

Building Height in Your Swing, part 2: The Forceout

In order to perform tricks like the layout, the shooting star and other tricks from the Level 4+ circle on the TSNY…

Building Height in Your Swing, part 1: the Sweep

In order to perform tricks like the layout, the shooting star and other tricks from the Level 4+ circle on the TSNY…

Improve Your Flying in Your Spare Time

So you’ve fallen in love with the flying trapeze. Or perhaps for you, it’s Silks, Static Trapeze or Trampoline. No matter the…