Results For Category: "Strength & Conditioning"
How Not To Strain Your Neck During Core Exercises
Have you ever been doing an exercise—in particular, let’s say a core exercise—and had your neck get overly involved? Or have you hip flexors…
The Importance of Strength Training as We Age
Most of us don’t want to think that we’re getting older, but… we are, and as we do, things begin to change….
A Long-Term Solution for Plantar Fasciitis
While there isn’t necessarily a fast, easy fix for the discomfort now, there are ways that you can train your body to…
Tips for Tight Hamstrings
You’ve stretched and stretched, but still your hamstrings feel tight. You foam roll them often and still they don’t loosen up. You…
Tight Hip Flexor Relief
Get Some Relief for Your Tight Hip Flexors Do your hip flexors feel chronically tight no matter how much you stretch them?…
How to get back to fitness after an injury
“Pain is a complex conversation between your brain and body” –Dr. Kelly Starrett When people come to us as part of their…
Addressing Burnout: Strategies for Finding Your Personal Mission Statement
Quick note about this post: This one has writing activities so you can play along as you go. So grab some paper…
Lunges: But Without the Knee Pain
At Reimagym, we’re often asked how to make split squats or lunges feel better on the knees. I am familiar with this…
Is Weight-Loss Really the Goal?
I have a lot of conversations with people about fitness. We talk about past experiences with fitnessing, what’s worked well in the…
Tight Calves? Try This.
Oh my calves! You stretch them. You foam roll them. You do some heel raises, but sometimes even that makes them cramp….