Results For Category: "Mobility"

Rediscovering Your Moving Body
Your Movement Guide If you are like most folks, you may feel that the last year and half didn’t involve much of…

Neck and Shoulder Pain? The answer may be in your collarbones
Do your neck and shoulders feel tight? Does your ‘knot gremlin‘ have a name? Are you constantly looking for or getting a…

Toes. Love ’em or hate ’em, they’re important
Toes, some people love ’em, some people don’t. But they’re do important. They help with our balance, their important part of locomotion….

Straddle Splits and a Straddle Pancake. (part 2)
In part two of Straddle Splits and a Straddle Pancake, I want to address some ways you can help yourself to increase both…
Straddle Splits and a Straddle Pancake. (part 1)
This post, I’ll be addressing straddle splits and a straddle pancake (a straddle split with a forward fold). Many people have asked…
Soothe Your Muscle Tension with Foam Rolling-Part 2
In the last blog post I covered Self Myofascial Release (SMFR) techniques for the lower body in Sooth Your Muscle Tension with Foam…
Soothe Your Muscle Tension with Foam Rolling-Part 1
This past couple of weeks I have hosted a self massage workshop on how to increase your flexibility with Self Myofascial Release…

Flexibility for Realz!
One of the classes I teach on a weekly basis is Flexibility. For a little over an hour in that class, I…
Finding your Front Splits (part 2)
In Finding your Front Splits (part 1) I wrote about how to improve your split flexibility with various static stretches. In part 2, I am…
To stretch or not to stretch: hypermobility and aerials
Most of the time, those of us who have fallen in love with aerials and/or flying trapeze find ourselves engaged in an…