Results For Category: "shoulders"
Are your shoulders ready for hanging shrugs?
The following builds on a recent online discussion about the hanging shoulder shrug warm-up exercise. It began—as many things do—with a post…
Anatomy of the Shoulder: from structure to function
In the world of circus arts education, it is taken as a given that an understanding of anatomy is important. I couldn’t…
Exercises Every Circus Artist/Athlete Should Do: Bear Crawls
In case you missed it on Instagram…before I accidentally deleted it, here’s another installment of “Exercises Every Circus Artist/Athlete Should Do”. In…
My Movement Check-Up: Pain and the Magic of Movement
There were a handful of things about how my body was feeling that prompted my return to physical therapy—but I would not…
Two Exercises, plus progressions, that Strengthen your Shoulder Stabilizers
There are of course more than just two exercises that strengthen your shoulder stabilizing muscles, but I wanted to focus on these two…
My big takeaways from The Anatomy of Circus with Emily Scherb
Last weekend, Emily Scherb—Physical Therapist for Circus Artist-Athletes and Anatomy Nerd Extraordinaire—was in Boston. That fact alone was amazing for those already…
What’s On Your Preflight Checklist?
Before pilots take their planes into the air, they run through a preflight checklist. The basic—yet critical—premise is that it’s better to…
Exercises Every Aerialist Should Do, part two: thoracic mobility
You know, there’s a piece to this expanding and wonderfully complex puzzle that is the healthy flyer/aerialist/circus artist that has been nagging…
The Desk Job Double Cross, Part One: Why Sitting Is Horrible For Flying
Here’s a fun paradox for you: one of the main goals of this blog is to provide you, dear flyers and aerialists,…
Things I think about… how you should really be training your rotator cuff
The world of elite gymnastics has been well acquainted with the world of sports science for some time. This relationship is something…