Results For Category: "BodyMind"

Perfection is not the goal: Fitness-ing on a continuum.
You don’t have to work out five days a week in order to achieve your fitness goals. Doing something is almost always…

Improve Your Training Results with Your Breath
In November I posted Breathing and Your Training about how to breathe when training. This month I want to expand on that idea even…

Breathing and Your Training
I want to talk about breathing this month. Sure, we all do it, but are we doing it effectively? Most specifically, are…

What’s On Your Preflight Checklist?
Before pilots take their planes into the air, they run through a preflight checklist. The basic—yet critical—premise is that it’s better to…
Protected: The Box
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Protected: Mental Muscle
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Protected: I AM this
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Protected: The Power to Choose
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Protected: Travel
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Protected: I AM this: a new beginning
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.